Friday, February 28, 2020

Culture and Marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Culture and Marriage - Research Paper Example Traditionally, a young man in the society would approach the father of his love and suggest his intention of marrying her to him (Ferraro & Andreatta, p.76). If consented, the young man would go ahead and proposes to the girl and the wedding preparations then begin (Segal, p.89). However, according to reports there exists a dichotomy in the current public life among the American society. On one side, there are those individuals who are considered to be economically stable and are usually encouraged to get into marriage and those who are not willing to get married due to their economic statuses (Chapman, p. 94). Reports indicate that the rates of marriage within the American community have fallen by over 50% since the year 1950 due to the economic hardships the country has been experiencing. The American census bureau estimates that households with single people are on the increase from about 500,000 in the year 1970 to about 5 million in the year 2008 which represents a drastic incre ase (Ferraro & Andreatta, p.123). Households which are non-family have also soared in numbers from 7 million in the year 1980 to over 34 million by the year 2009. ... 96). They proposed that these rights should also be accorded to other individuals who may be in a relationship (Ferraro & Andreatta, p.136). These rights include alimony along with property rights for domestic partners who may be cohabiting. They include the homosexuals and heterosexuals in their society. The institute additionally claims that adultery should be eliminated as a ground for being granted divorce, dividing property, attaining child-custody or alimony (Segal, p.107). Previous reports additionally indicate that Americans first perceive human beings as being dedicated to individualism while cultivating their self images (Colombo, Cullen & Lislie, p.85). In other reports sociologists suggested that the average ages for marriage among young women was 20 while for the men was 22 years. They additionally claim that this prompted the majority of their population to get into marriage (Yang & Lu, p.113). Further research also indicates that there are other additional and differen t perceptions among the different people in the society regarding the institution of marriage. The second view is that marriage involves the cooperation of men along with women for the purpose of bearing and rearing children (Colombo, Cullen & Lislie, p.105). They regard the institution of marriage as a union that takes place for the purpose of advancing it through the formation of an economic partnership (Segal, p.119). Their government had these perceptions from the year 1948 through to the year 1989 and implemented for them for effective taxation while allowing married partners who were divorcing to split their wealth more easily (Colombo, Cullen & Lislie,

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Critical Thinking Exercises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Thinking Exercises - Essay Example As a consultant, the data that should be reviewed and analyzed to determine whether the Ford Motor Company is discriminating against their employees because of age is the following: the age of the employees, the year the employees was hired, and whether the employees have reached or is approaching the age of retirement. First, the age of the employees would be evaluated because the lawsuits were claiming that the Ford Motor Company is discriminating against age. Should the Ford Motor Company be discriminating against age, the ages of most employees should range within the younger age brackets, depending on the age after which the Ford Motor Company considers employees to be "older." Second, the year the employees were hired is important because, in the Title VII class action age and reverse discrimination suit, President Jacques Nasser was accused of eliminating older employees because he wanted to build his management team with younger employees. The year the employees were hired would help determine whether the employees were employed on with the Ford Motor Company during Nasser's presidency. Lastly, whether employees have reached or are approaching the age of retirement is important because it would settle the reason why older employees who have reached or are approaching the age... Additionally, the Ford appraisal system is fair in that it rates the employees on job performance. Employees should perform their job well in order to maintain their position at the company. Ford has much to offer their employees, and they probably adopted the forced-discrimination approach to eliminating their employees because they needed to eliminate the employees that were employed but not performing their jobs well. 8.1 - Workplace Diversity Training The diversity program that will be designed for incoming freshman will, first, consist of training towards all of the ethnicities of the university. Further, all ethnicities of the university will be represented because the freshman will, most likely, encounter all of the ethnicities at least once during their term as a student at the university. Second, the diversity program will consist of training for both male and female students. Women are not the only ones that have problems with racial comments or sexual harassment in the workplace. Men are also subjected to this treatment. As a result, the training should be geared towards both men and women. Third, the freshman will be entered into groups where they will role-play situations in which they might find themselves. All ethnicities of the university might not be represented in the students present, but the role-plays will include a script for all ethnicities.Males will discover diversity and harassment in the workplace from a female's perspective, and the females will get to portray the males. The different ethnicities will have a chance to portray another ethnicity and realize the situations with which they are presented. The diversity program will also have training